Saturday, November 29, 2008

Insulation and More Windows

Its funny how everything moves so fast when you first start a remodel, and then it seems like progress slows just when things get interesting. Actually, its not really that things a progressing more slowly, the guys still show up every day and work all day, its just that what they are working on is not as dramatic as it was in the beginning. Take for example, insulation. Its pretty cool, actually, made of recycled denim (I think it is, at least, thats what Maurice had said in the beginning), but not that exciting to show in pictures.

The big window over the sink was installed, however, and it looks great.

Also, we are working with Maurice on determining what the ledge outside on the deck should look like -- we are trying to make it more open so it doesn't feel as heavy. This looks so much better than it did originally, I think, and now we just need to figure out how to put up the right railing so no one falls through!

Speaking of railings, we've been trying to figure out what style of railing we should use. Maurice had an open house for two houses that he built in Berkeley and we went to see the railings on the decks there. I didn't take pictures, so I can't post them here, but here is the link that shows pictures of the houses and you can see the railings on the decks.

I like them a lot -- very simple -- but they might end up being too modern? What do you think?

Up next week -- stucco and dry wall. Pictures should be good!

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